| House on the Cliff | by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos |

Fran Silvestre Arquitectos has completed work on a grand contemporary home perched on a cliff high above the Iberian Sea.  The House on the Cliff is a monolithic work of architecture, one built to feature the environment as central to its design.  The view of the surrounding nature can be taken in from every point in the home, from the protruding living space above to the pool below and the individual rooms within.

While the shape of the home is complex, guided by the topography of its plot, the styling of the home is simple.  Its walls are clean and white, the result of stucco over concrete, and this canvas continues both inside and out across nearly every inch of the home.  The exception is in the windows, where floor-to-ceiling glass brings the exterior view indoors, and even the rear-facing kitchen windows are focused on the rocky cliff a few feet away.

The surprise for such a stunning home is its low cost.  It was built for just over $832,000, a price that of course excludes the cost of the land itself.  Waterfront property in Alicante, Spain can be hard to come by, but fortunately Fran Silvestre Arquitectos just capped it off with a one-of-a-kind contemporary house.
















refference: photography and text www.thecoolist.com

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  2. Pingback: Aluminum House / Fran Silvestre Arquitectos | DesignSity·

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