| Tine Frey’s unique design |

Yellow Wall Hooks


tina frey designs

Inspiration for the designs come from many things: The shapes are inspired by organic forms in nature and objects found in travels around the world. The colors are inspired by delicious translucent popsicles, candies, and jelly beans.
The pieces in the collection are designed and hand sculpted by Tina Frey in San Francisco, California. Sculpting starts with an idea that is cohesive with the rest of the collection.

When the clay design is completed, hand-made molds are created for each object.

The molds are used to cast each item individually by hand in small batches by color. Slight color variations between batches contribute to the beauty and uniqueness of each piece.

After the pieces are cast and removed from the mold, they are hand sanded. They are truly made with care. In this way, we can ensure the quality and integrity of each piece.

Yellow Square Dishes

Long Trough-Fall2013

Large Wide Bowl

care instructions

Resin can sometimes become frosty after washing. If this occurs, simply rub a tiny drop of vegetable oil onto the surface with a soft cloth to restore its luster. The frosty appearance can also be left alone as this can be preferred. It does not affect the quality and usage of the item.

Avoid use of sharp objects or knives on the resin surface.Although resin is shatter resistant, it can break if dropped on the ground.

Dishwasher safe. Not for use in the microwave or with high heat.

general information

The pieces are handmade and comprised of food safe resin.

The material in all tabletop pieces has been tested by a laboratory to meet FDA standards for food safety and are free of lead.

Safe for outdoor use or in bath areas due to shatter resistance.

Environmental and social responsibility are extremely important to us. Therefore, the company strives to create pieces that will last and is not a disposable commodity.

You can find more of her interesting works here: www.tinafreydesigns.com

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